We invite you to the Fall Gathering of the Indiana Lincoln Highway Association on Saturday, October 24, in Hanna. We have not been able to meet in person for nearly a year and I think it is important we do so. On the other hand, I know some are concerned about safety so here is the plan:
- Meet at Rumors Restaurant at 9:00 a.m. CDT (10:00 EDT).
Address: 12 Moore St, Hanna, IN 46340
https://www.facebook.com/RumorsRestaurant/ - Program being developed for 1- 1 1/2 hours in and around Hanna (history, bridges, etc.).
- Business Meeting at Rumors upstairs from the restaurant beginning at 10:30 to 10:45 CDT.
- Social distancing provided and masks worn by all throughout the business meeting.
- Rumors has WiFi so we will ZOOM the business meeting portion to anyone who wishes to participate in that way, rather than attending the meeting in person. The meeting ID through ZOOM is 840-4357-5178 and the Passcode is 752048
- Business meeting completed by no later than 12:15-12:30 followed by lunch. I hope to place orders by 12:00 so that we can eat and leave prior to 1:00 CST. Cost of lunch is on your own.
- We will mail documents to everyone ahead of time to expedite the meeting. We need to hear from each of you who will attend either in person or remotely. Please call Jeff at 574-527-4227 or email the INLHA office so we can send you the meeting materials.