Blairwalk 2 was completed in May and raised over $12,000. Jeff Blair, Indiana Lincoln Highway Association (INLHA) President, walked form Dyer, IN to the Ohio border (152 miles roughly) along the 1928 alignment of the Lincoln Highway to raise awareness and funds for both the INLHA and the Alzheimer’s Association. Jeff reported good weather for the most part and wonderful Hoosier hospitality in every way. He even went “national” being interviewed by Dave Nemo for Sirius radio one morning.
This is Jeff’s second walk on the LH having completed the 171 mile walk along the original 1912 route of the LH in 2011. He wants to thank all of those who walked along with him, those who made donations for these causes, his wife for putting up with his shenanigans, and the many people who welcomed him into their businesses, museums, restaurants and hotels along the way. The INLHA offers a big thanks to Jeff for this wonderful project!